Sunday, February 15, 2009


Gasparilla is a huge pirate party in Tampa, Fl. This year my roomate Courtney and I decided to go since she has family that we stayed with near Tampa. I love taking roadtrips so we thought that gasparilla would be a fun one. The day started out with a pirate ship "invasion", then we went to the parade, and finally a downtown after party. Lets just say that it was a very long day! Gasparilla reminded me alot of Madi Gras but calmer and not so nasty which I liked. Plus, who doesnt love pirates? Also, it was 75 degrees, sunny, and beautiful!

1 comment:

Lori's Family said...

I totally forgot about gasparilla. I never went but I wanted to. Looks like you had a great time. I WANT WARM WEATHER!!!!! I am sick of the cold!