Monday, November 10, 2008


I know that it seems that all my posts are about football but that is all we do on the weekends in fall! We went to Atlanta for the Florida State vs. Georiga Tech game. I was sad that we didn't run into the real housewives!!! Even though it can be scary I really like Atlanta & Im thinking about applying for teaching jobs around the area when I graduate (teachers in GA. make almost $10,000 more a year than FL teachers!) I wouldn't stay forever but I think it would be fun while I am young =) I know you lived there Lori so I need your opinion!

On the GA tech campus before the game

Meagan & I at the game

1 comment:

Lori's Family said...

Hey Jess, I have been forgetting to look at your blog!!! You have the life girl! Love it! As for ATL I really didn't like it at the time. I was not really a big city girl, it scared me. But I am glad for the experience. I love the housewives! Season finally tonight!